(1,049 words) Written by Ken Hua

Friday, 13th December 2013

Revised 20th January 2014  

‘Good day, Howard, I just wonder could you please come to my house to fix a leaking tap in the kitchen?’

Mr. Chairman, it will be no problem at all. Would 3.00pm suit you after your siesta?

Howard, that would be good. You are just a wonderful neighbor!’

Talking about our respectable Chairman’sneighbor, Howard,who and his family just live two houses from Country Cottage. Howardis a very friendly and helpful neighbor that our Chairmanhas acquainted with for nearly 18 years. Our Masterand his family have been living in this neighborhood for a quarter of centurywhile his friendly and helpful neighbor and his family for the past 18 years.

As most of neighbors in the neighborhood know that our Chairmanis not a handyman, all he does is watering the front yard, the greenhouse in the backyard and plants in the veranda. In addition, he can mow the lawn; do the washing and washing dishes etc that is what he does. As a matter of fact, he is quite keen in doing home cooking. Our respectable Chairman is quite keen in painting too; even since he and his family moved to Country Cottage, he has painted the house inside out almost single-handedly and he really did a good job that we should give him a thumb’s up.’

However when it comes to handyman’s job, he is just hopeless. He doesn’t even know how to change the blades of the lawn mower. Neither he knew how to change the spark plugs of his Centenary Vehiclesome years ago. His friendly and helpful neighbor, Howardhas been teaching him how to change the washers for the leaking taps ten and hundred times nevertheless he never got it right. It is lucky that Howard is a man of patience. We don’t think we can find such a wonderful neighbor in the neighborhood or anywhere else on this planet.

We must give compliment to our Chairman’swonderful neighbor. Our respectable Chairmaneven wants his neighbor to do the job in accordance with our Chairman’sconvenience but not his neighbor’s timetable.

‘Good evening, Howard,could you please do me a special flavor?’

Mr. Chairman, what is up? Do you what time is it now?’

Howard, I know it is a little bit late. However the toilet flush is malfunctioned and if it keeps on like this, I will pay an increased water bill in the coming quarter.’

Mr. Chairman, don’t worry, I will be in your house in 8 minutes.’

Howard is a man of action. He turned up in our Chairman’sprivate residence in 6 ½ minutes and he fixed the toilet flush within 2 minutes.’

Howard, could you please show me how to do it, so that next time I won’t call you in the middle of the night.’

Mr. Chairman, it will take you a century to do the job. If you have any problem, just call me even 24 hours per day, seven days a week, 365 days a year and I will be in your doorsteps because I live only two houses from yours.

Oh, what a wonderful neighbor that our Chairman has at Country Cottage! 

We don’t think you can find such a wonderful neighbor one out of million people like Howard on this planet!

Howard is just a fantastic fabulous neighbor on earth! 

We would like to talk a little more about Howard since he is such a wonderful friend and neighbor in our neighborhood and our community. Howardwas sponsored by his older brother and immigrated to Australia in 1992. Ever since he entered his newly adopted country – Australia, he has never stopped working. As a matter of fact, our neighborhood and community are very proud that we have such an open-minded fantastic neighbor living in this neighborhood. Howardimmigrated to Australia in 1992 under the sponsorship of his older brother. Two months after he set feet on this foreign soil, with the help of his older brother, he has started working hard in this newly adopted country.

Howard had worked as a process worker in the factory, a baker in the bakery, a deliveryman, a handyman and a welder and most recently a maintenance person in a public school in the outer west. Whenever he does the job, he always does a good job and he works consistently that is liked by his manager and his colleagues. He is always ready to give his colleagues a hand when they ask him just ready to give his neighbor, our Chairmana helping hand when he asks him.

Howard is married with two daughters. His wife is a softly spoken elegant lady working in the sewing industry. While Howardis maintaining outdoors such as growing plants, vegetables and watering the front yard and backyard whereas his wife is typical housewife cooking delicious dishes for the family to enjoy. There have been a few occasions our Chairmanwas invited to have dinner and family BBQ. His wife cooked all the delicious month-watering dishes single-handedly. His older daughter will go to university next year and his younger daughter is attending year 7 in a selective school.

Howard is a caring father to his two daughters and caring husband devoted to his wife. He is always ready to give his friends and relatives a hand if they need. There is no doubt that Howardis a hardworking man who is friendly, helpful to other people especially for our old fragile Chairman of Country Cottagebecause he is the person who needs Howard’s help the most.

‘Good day, Howard!This is the Chairmancalling again. My lawn mower is playing up again. Could you kindly fix the problem for me?’

 Mr. Chairman, would three o’clock this afternoon suit you?’

Howard, that would be terrific! Thanks a million and sorry for the trouble.’

Where else can you find such a friendly helpful neighbor on this planet like Howard!

Oh, what a wonderful feeling that our respectable Chairman has a beautiful neighbor and what a successful Vietnamese migrant family we have in our neighborhood!

Written by Ken Hua

13th December 2013

Revised 20th January 2014