(594 words) Written by Ken Hua 16th October 2008

Revised 15th May 2015

*** Author’s note: Fluffy Sally is author’s neighbor family dog and she is of Golden Retriever breed, the same breed as author’s family dog, Fluffy Sam.  

‘Sheezz, is that Fluffy Sally? This is Fluffy Sam calling. Is everybody asleep?’

‘Yes, everybody is asleep. Don’t worry, Fluffy Sam. Anyway, please try to keep your voice down. I have been thinking about you.’

‘So have I. Every time when my Master took me for a walk and passed by your Master’s luxurious house, I often peered through the gate but there was no sign of you. How have you been doing?’

‘I am doing okay except that I am not lucky as you are. Your Master always takes you for a walk but my Master rarely does to me.’

‘Poor Fluffy Sally, so you must have been feeling lonely and bored.’

Fluffy Sam, you can say that again but there is nothing I can do since I live in a different environment.’

‘How has the world been treating the Lady of the House and three Golden Girls?’

‘They are doing all right. The Lady of the House has been working for a number of years now. One of the Golden Girls went to university this year.’

‘I think you must have a lonely and boring life and there is no freedom.’

‘I know that, Fluffy Sam. However there is nothing I can do. It seems to me that I have been locked up in prison, being isolated and I could not see the outside world.’

‘Sheezz, Fluffy Sally! I’ve got an idea. How about we arrange a time to meet together and you dare try to escape from where you live.’

Fluffy Sam, it seems to be a dangerous attempt. I am scared and frightened to death. If I get caught, I will be locked up for the rest of my life.’

Fluffy Sally, leave it to me. I am a courageous individual and you are an elegant lady. You know, there is a saying ‘You would rather die if there is no freedom.’

Fluffy Sam, it still sounds scary to me.’

‘Don’t worry, Fluffy Sally. I will have a good plan to help you to escape from the prison.’

‘Are you sure we will be successful? As a matter of fact, I am kind of shaking now.’

Fluffy Sally, listen to me carefully. Next Sunday at around midnight while everybody is asleep, you go to the corner of the front gate and I will be waiting for you outside. I will have a handyman to break the fence and you just sneak out. A car will be ready for us and drive us to our destination.’

Fluffy Sam, where is our destination? I am still very frightened.’

Fluffy Sally, our destination will be our ‘Love Nest’ and from that day on, you and I will be together for the rest of our life in freedom. You must be strong, Fluffy Sally and together we will overcome the obstacles. Let’s do it together!’

Yes Freedom! Fluffy Sam. That is what I have been longing for a long, long time. Fluffy Sam, as a matter of fact, I can see there is light at the end of the tunnel! May God bless Fluffy Sally and Fluffy Sam!

Oh, what a beautiful love story of Fluffy Sally & Fluffy Sam we have at Country Cottage!

Written by Ken Hua 16th October 2008

Revised 15th May 2015



(456 words) Written by Ken Hua

Saturday, 1st September 2007

Revised 18th May 2015

‘Good morning, is that Fluffy Sally, darling! I haven’t seen you for a long time and I am dearly missing you.’

‘Oh dear, I am missing you awfully lot too. The renovation in our house has not been completed yet. I think my Master is a little bit slow.’

‘Is it that he is the only one doing the renovation? I think it has taken too long already.

‘No, he gets the help from our Lady of the House. It is because she wants everything to be done perfectly, so that is why it takes a little bit longer to complete.’

‘I just wonder have the three Golden Girls been helping them?’

‘As far as I can see, they are not helping much. Because girls are not supposed to do this type of work, you know.’

‘Oh dear, your poor Master and the Lady of the House have to do all the hard work. How are the three Golden Girls doing?’

“They are doing just fine, the two older Golden Girls study and work part-time, the youngest attends year 9.’

‘It was so nice that our Master came to your family barbeque. It has been some time that our Master hasn’t seen the three Golden Girls especially the youngest one, who has grown up 5 inches taller than when he last saw her and she has the look of a movie star, so as the other two girls.’

‘You are not wrong. The youngest Golden Girl has registered her name in Universal Studio in Sydney and she will be making movies next year.’

‘On behalf of all the staff of Country Cottage, this is Fluffy Sam, the First Secretaryof Country Cottage, would like to congratulate her. If she is successful, his father, the CEO of the Coca-Cola & Juice company might retire early and goes on holidays with the Lady of the House.’

‘I think she will be very successful in her future stardom.’

‘I just wonder when can I see you again. Because I am kind of missing you.’

‘I am too. I just can’t wait for that day to come.’

‘Oh, could you please if there is any juice left in the house because your Master has owed my Master about ten and ten cartons of orange & apple juice.’

‘There will be no problem. I got to go now. Darling, we will be seeing each other soon.’

‘Sure, I can’t wait for that day to come, sweet heart.

‘Oh dear, you are always in my heart, forever and ever.’

Written by Ken Hua 1st September 2007

Revised 18th May 2015



Written by Ken Hua (860 words)

Tuesday, 9th August 2006

Revised 20th December 2015

Fluffy Sam, the weather had been very cold for the past few days.”

“Yes, Big Brother. Oh, it was freezing this morning. I hope that our Master could cope with this chilly weather.”

“I just wonder you have called your girl friend, Fluffy Sally recently?”

“Yeah, I just called her yesterday afternoon. She was doing all right except she was a little lonely and she hardly had a chance to go for a walk like us.”

“It seems to me that Fluffy Sally’s Master and the Lady of the House were quite strict with her.”

“You are right. I am only allowed to call her once a week and each call is limited to fifteen minutes.”

“On Sunday night on the occasion of our Master’s nephew’s daughter 2nd birthday at Auburn R.S.L. club, in the middle of the celebration, our Master’s family ran into another family whom they had not seen one another for eighteen years?

“Oh, 18 years were a long time. I imagine that they were very thrilled to see one another again. Oh dear, it was another coincidence taking place again at CountryCottage.”

“The other family consists of two brothers and one sister and they were on the same flight with our Master’sfamily arriving in Australia almost twenty seven years ago.”

“I think the Golden Boy did tell me briefly about their family story when he came to Down Under for holiday early this year. The two families were settled in a country town called Temoranear Wagga Waggaand they received a very warm welcome there which they will never forget for the rest of their lives.”

“At that time, the eldest brother was in his mid thirties, the younger brother in his early twenty and younger sister was a teenager and today they are married with two children each and some of them were attending university.”

“How about our family?”

“Our Master and the Lady of the House were in their late thirties, Golden Boy, 7, Golden Girl 5 and the Diamond Boy was only 2.”

“Oh, the Diamond Boy was only 2 at that time? He was one year younger than I am now. Time had gone so quickly and suddenly the Diamond Boy changed from a little toddler into a 28 year-old and handsome-looking young man.”

“The other family left the country town a few months earlier than our Master’s family because there was not much employment in Temora.”

“Since they were settled in Sydney, they have been doing quite well. They have been working hard to raise their families and each family has two children.”

“Not long after they were settled in Sydney, they had sponsored their parents and two sisters to immigrate to Australia. It was sad to learn that their parents passed away some years ago and the other two sisters lived in Melbourne and they are married with children.”

“I just wonder when was the last time the two families met each other.”

“I think it was 18th December 1988 when they had the gathering at the Chinese restaurant in Sydney Chinatown on the occasion of their 10th anniversary of arrival in Australia.”

“The two families went to the city for yum cha and since then somehow they had not kept in touch each other.”

“Did the two families exchange telephone numbers and addresses this time?”

“Sure, they regretted that they did not do it last time so they had not seen one another for 18 years.”

“Oh, 18 years is a long, long time and we hope that they will keep in touch again soon. Neither of us was born 18 years ago. I think we would like to see them too.”

Fluffy Sam, after the two families haven’t seen each other for 18 years. The other family of 3 members now has developed into a big family consisting of 16 members not including their parents who passed away some years ago.”

Big Brother, we are very glad to learn that. While our Master’sfamily consist of 5 members including the gorgeous twins came to the world about two years ago in Ireland.’

“Just about four weeks ago, while the Lady of the House and our Masterwere shopping at the shopping center, our Master ran into a middle aged man whom he had not seen for 13 years.”

“Yes, that is right. The man happened to be his customer they met years ago when our Master worked in a takeaway shop at the western suburb and they were extremely surprised to see each other again. That is what we called coincidence.”

“How come there have been coincidences taking place at Country Cottage every now and then?”

“Do you know why? Because the Lady of the House, our Master and their children are nice people, that is why.”

“What did I tell you a few days ago? Remember?”

Yes, when good friends and relatives are meant to meet one another again,they will and it is God’s will.”

Written by Ken Hua 9th August 2006

Revised 20th December 2015